Wrist prep from the Handstand tutorial
Quadruped Shoulder Circles
A-Frame Shrugs
Shoulder Flexion and Upper Thoracic Extension, Bent Arm Thoracic Extension, and Parallette Motor Control Play from GMB Shoulder Pain Exercises article
HSPU Main circuit
A-Frame Inverted Press - 20 second set - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Reverse Row w/feet elevated on chair - 20 second set - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Shrimp Squat (Stall Step to Lunge) - 20 second set - Quality: Snappy, Ease: Relaxed
5 rounds with 2-3 minutes of rest in between rounds
1 reps of Inverted Press with bent legs and toes on stair landing. Quality: Smooth, Ease: Sold
Bent-Arm Bear - 20 second set for 3 sets w/ 1 min. rest between sets. Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Finish with 2 sets Bridge Hold, L-Arm Stretch, Tall Kneeling Arm Raise to Side, Clasped Hands Extension
Reduced fear of loading the suspect shoulder is allowing me to work more on getting the hips closer to above the shoulder. As Daniel of Fitness FAQs noted in one of his handstand pushup videos, it may not be possible to literally line up the hips over the shoulders, but the mental cue should help with the form.
I didn't consistently pay attention to scapula action during the Inverted Press. I'm supposed to pull the scapula towards the ground when extending up into the A-Frame, and pull the scapula towards the hips before lowering my head towards the ground. It does seem a bit more important though to keep the elbows in, as even the slightest flare of the elbow will irritate the suspect shoulder.
In the middle of the workout, I remembered I'm supposed to squeeze the butt and abs to ensure a straight body line during the Reverse Row. It does activate the core.
Time to progress in the Shrimp Squat.
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