Band-assisted shoulder mobility
Scapular pullups w/ feet assistance
A-Frame Scapular Shrugs
A-Frame Inverted Press w/ 4-sec. negative - 4 sets of 3-5 reps. - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Ring Reverse Row w/4-sec. negative - 3 sets of 5-7 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
1 min. rest between sets.
Mulligan shoulder rehab exercise
1-2 reps of A-Frame Scapular Shrugs with feet elevated, working towards stacking hips over shoulders and head
Knee Pushup on Parallettes - 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Bear (standard) - 1 min.
Brachial Hang for about 1min.
The shoulder still doesn't feel back at 100% but it continues to improve. Feeling stronger for the first time in weeks.
I decided to stop doing the exercises in a circuit. Circuit training is supposedly not ideal for strength training anyway. I also switched from timed sets to just doing reps short of failure, because when you're incorporating 4-second negatives, that cuts into the time you've allocated for your set if your set is planned for a time interval like 30 seconds.
Knee Pushup on Parallettes seems to be the best choice of Push exercise for my HSPU training. It doesn't irritate my shoulder. Although the hands are elevated on the P-Barz compared to the floor version, the ease of the movement seems the same as the hands-on-floor version, and there is a slightly greater range of motion in the bottom part of the movement.
New GMB article on Tendon Strength:
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