Thursday, July 09, 2020

HSPU Program Session 18

Shoulders and other upper body areas still sore as hell from training yesterday and preceding days.  Goes without saying that today is an active recovery day.

GMB Shoulder Mobility routine
GMB Vitamin Prepare routine

Studied and worked on this prep routine for GMB-style rolling was posted this morning, which is great timing because today's Vitamin session included both forward and backward rolls.  I haven't been able to solve the problem of inadequate mobility for rolls on my own.

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Ready to Roll? Rolling. Sounds so simplistic and easy. We did it when we were babies, how hard can it be? Well. It’s actually a pretty high level activity. Here’s why: It not only requires a decent amount of baseline mobility, but it demands an automatic reactivity and coordinated movement between the head, neck, spine, pelvis, and vertebrae to the rest of the body. It also stimulates the vestibular system, the part of the body that provides information about body position and stimulates reflexes that allow us to respond quickly to both self induced and externally generated forces. If it is so important, why is it so tough to do for most adults? Because as babies, we train these patterns like it’s our full time job. All day long, working on patterns that connect the eyes, head, neck, and spine to the rest of the body. As adults, we spend less time working on these intricate movements, and so we lose some of that innate patterning. The good news is that our bodies respond well to just a little bit of targeted training. Here #gmbtrainer JJ @primalphysicaltherapy demonstrates some exercises you can do regularly to prime the muscular and vestibular systems and prep for success with rolling. As with all exercises, take your time, and listen to your body. Allow yourself time with these exercises and don’t push the rolling until you feel “ready”. #rollwithitbaby #rollingpatterns #rolling #babiesdoit #fitness #vestibular #obliques #neck #spine #gmbfitness #bodyweightexercise #vestibular #balance #primalmovement
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Attempted shoulder stretches on rings, L-Arm,  Tall Kneeling Arm Raise to Side, Clasped Hand Extension, Modified Pigeon, Half Pancake, and Brachial Hang (posterior pelvic tilt)

Vitamin session reviewing Plow and Combo moves of Forward Roll, Merry Go Round and Backward Roll.

Rolling with arm to the left side still wasn't perfect but noticeably improved.  I'm sure the improvement will continue with continued practice of the above prep routine.

Just noticed this new Instagram post from GMB which I find inspiring:

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BACK ROLL EXTENSION TO HANDSTAND - Getting upside down is straight up scary and rolling can be awkward but if you’re in situations of constant level changes like BJJ or you’d like to be a little more supple, this can be a cool skill to work up towards. Having the ability to recover from a roll into a standing position helps a lot especially so you don’t just flop on the floor after a slip, fall, or takedown. Here’s a step by step breakdown on how to Back Roll to a standing position demonstrated by GMB Trainer @eorihuela - 1. Strengthen your Inverted Press to be able to push yourself from rolling to standing 2. Improve your back flexion to roll comfortably one vertebrae at a time 3. Practice rolling at your ability level. Gradually, as your strength and flexibility improves, extend your arms and hips more. - Set a good foundation for yourself with strength, flexibility, and body control and over time, it look and feel better! - . . . . . #gmbfitness #gmbtrainer #gmbmobius #goldmedalbodies #flexibility #mobility #bodyweightworkout #mobile #bodycontrol #bodyawareness #cheer #gymnastics #backroll #notyoga #yoga #backwardsroll #martialarts #bjj #juijitsu #warmup #tumbling #flips #tricks #levelchanges #physicalautonomy #motorcontrol #physicalfreedom #physicaldevelopment #physicalfitness #fitness

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