Friday, July 10, 2020

HSPU Program Session 19

Skipped prepare again, and later regretted it.

Lower Body circuit - 3 rounds with about 1-2 min. rest between rounds:
Beginner Pike Pull Through - 2-3 reps
Shrimp Squat (Knee to Ground, Arms to Front) - 3 reps
Hanging Leg Raise - 3-5 reps
Weighted Seated Straddle Good Morning on Couch w/ 16kg KB - 30 sec. hold.
Full Bridge Hold - 15-20 sec.

Messing around with Middle Split

2 sets of 5 16kg KB halos
Morning and afternoon sets of Brachial Hang

Shoulders still sore before workout but the soreness seemed diminished enough to give me confidence to try this workout.

I should have at least done Standing Knee to Chest and Single-Leg Deadlift in the Prepare part.  I had more trouble than usual balancing on my right foot for the Shrimp Squat practice.  

Left shoulder seems less stable this week - felt it click a lot more than before while doing the Halos.  I think the combination of the HSPU work with 4-sec. negatives, the modified Arch Pullup, start of Hanging Leg Raise work, and the start of Pike Pull Through was just all too much for the shoulder.

Tomorrow I'll do the Vitamin session reviewing the Merry Go Round as it seems innocuous enough, with no shoulder impact.

For next week, I'm going to restructure my routine to allow more recovery time for the shoulders, as well as swap out the exercises that I don't think my shoulders are ready for:

Arch Pullup (modified or not) to Reverse Row on Rings
Pike Pull Through to Shoulder Bridge with Straight Leg Side Lift (from Elements Core Conditioning Intermediate ciruit)

I tried the Weighted Seated Straddle Good Morning out of curiosity.  I might try it again after I get the hamstrings and adductors looser than they are right now.  I've noticed that my straddle isn't particularly wide and feels kind of tight when I try moves like the Cartwheel, Merry Go Round with straight legs, and various kicks shown in GMB Vitamin.   I can get my legs wider apart in the Middle Split, which suggests the limiting factors in Pancake are the hamstrings and adductors rather than the groin. 

So instead of Pancake, I'm going to work on the Side Lunge Squat.  GMB seems to also call it Cossack Squat, though other people say the two types of side-to-side squat are different.  In any case, it looks like a nice exercise for straight-leg hamstring strength, which should help in the quest for hamstring flexibility.

Mon, Thurs - HSPU strength sessions
Tues, Fri - Leg + Core sessions

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