Saturday, June 27, 2020

HSPU Program Session 7

GMB Vitamin Prepare

Vitamin session focusing on rotation from Bridge.  Quality: Broken, Ease: Challenging

Elements Core Conditioning Circuit - 2 reps per set for 2 sets. Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid

Finish with brachial hang

This session was focused on working towards being able to rotate out of a squat into a bridge and back again.

The first exercise was to stand in front of a wall and practice the motion of rotating towards the wall as if entering a bridge, then rotate out again.  This was doable but harder than it looks in the video, because you have to rotate your torso while bending backwards at the same time, then support part of your weight on your hands as they rest against the wall.

The 2nd exercise was to start in the squat then pull the knees over the toes to reduce the load on your hands, while at the same time rotating and backbending at the same time into the bridge.   I just couldn't get it done.  It might be because the movement is just too unfamiliar, but it could also be that I'm weak in the bridge.

The 3rd exercise was the full bridge rotation - rotate and backbend from squat into bridge, then rotate and unbend back into squat.  Goes without saying that if I couldn't do the 2nd exercise, I had no hope of doing this one.

What I plan to do is replace the Bent Arm Chest Stretch with a hold in the full bridge to improve my strength in the bridge position, as well as try to stretch the chest.  I think I will see this move again in the next Vitamin combo section.

Looking a bit further down the road, the week ending July 17 will roughly be the end of the 4th week of the current HSPU-focused program.  I'm reading GMB's periodization article at the moment.  Hopefully it will help me decide by then if I should switch to focusing on the L-Sit.

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