Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Crow Pose Program Session 10

GMB Knee Mobility routine  

Today's GMB Mobility session focusing on 4 movement planes
Today's GMB Vitamin session focusing on Monkey
Crow Pose from face down, isometric pushing to lift face for 1 min.

Bent-Arm Monkey #3 practice over the afternoon
Couple of sets of Shrimp Squat Variation #1 (Step Back Lunge with slight back foot assist)
No knee ache during the Supine Hip Circles exercise from today's GMB Mobility session for 2nd day in a row!
The Vitamin session amounted to about 10 min. of practice of the Monkey variations - Basic Monkey, Straight-Leg Monkey, and Bent-Arm Monkey.  I decided to call it a session instead of proceeding to the Elements Core Conditioning routine because

My legs were fatiguing quickly when I practiced Shrimp Squat - I think it was because of the more intense than intended Shrimp Squat practice the last couple of days, in which I forced the working leg to lift my body without the rear foot assistance.

Best Crow Pose hold today was 9 seconds.

My less stable shoulder isn't clicking any more.

I switched my P-Barz parallettes from the Pro height to the standard height.  I am pondering mixing in some shoulder stand practice on the P-Barz, since the parallette Shoulder Stand is pretty close to a Crow Pose.  I'd achieved the Shoulder Stand before but never really worked on holding it for more than 30 seconds.  I think if I work on it again, it will help my progress with the Crow Pose.

I think I will drop the kettlebell work altogether.  I'll continue to do GMB Mobility and Vitamin every day.  I will start Parallettes One again, at Level A, practice it on alternating days with the Elements Core Conditioning routine.    That way I will get the training for pressing strength that I need for Crow Pose, and the core training I need for both Crow Pose and Handstand.

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