Today's GMB Mobility session focusing on Fundamentals.
2 sets of 1-minute GMB-style Crow Pose practice - best hold time around 15 seconds.
P1 Level A Week 2 Day 1 session
Mess around with the Snake Down move from GMB's recently posted 5-Minute Core Workout
Crow Pose practice out of Bent-Arm Monkey #3
No additional activity
P1 Assessment:
Assisted Shoulder Stand Raises - Quality: Rough, Ease: Solid
Jump Throughs - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Inverted Press - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Tuck Hold - Quality: Smooth. Ease: Solid
One leg with toe touching round, other leg tucked with knee high as possible and heel close as possible to butt. 2 40-second sets.
Swing Sets - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Seems like more a mobility exercise than a strength one, but after all the effort expended on the previous exercises, it's nice to just work on movement and give the hamstrings a bit of a stretch.
The Snake Down reminded me of something. Some searches on Youtube revealed that it's a lot like the Worm move in breakdance. I found this tutorial to be helpful, because the guy starts with rocking back and forth:
I have to say though that I enjoyed this one, as the boy teaches it and other moves in such an endearing manner:
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