Today's GMB Mobility session focusing on Hips
Crow Pose from face down, isometric pushing to lift face for 1 min.
Today's Vitamin session focusing on Squat Leg Sweep and review of the Forward Roll to Merry Go Round to Backward Roll combos.
GMB Knee Mobility routine later in the afternoon.
Crow Pose out of Bent-Arm Monkey #3, spread through the afternoon
Elements Core Conditioning Beginner Routine for 3 rounds
Shrimp Squat Variation 1 (Step back lunge) for 3 reps before and after Core Conditioning Routine, as well as between rounds for a total of 4 sets.
Knee continues to feel great.
I progressed in the Vitamin combo movement from "broken" quality to "sloppy". I've been struggling with putting my weight on a comfortable spot on the shoulder - it's been a challenge not to have a bony part of the shoulder take my weight. The front of the shoulder is obviously out. The top of the shoulder has too many bony parts. There is a "shelf" at the rear of the shoulder between the scapula and another bony part that might be reasonably comfortable. Here's GMB's sample Vitamin session that teaches the Forward Roll in far more detail than their Tumbling article.
Another issue with the Forward Roll on the left side is a tightness between my left inner thigh and somewhere else in the body. I don't know if the other side of this tightness is in my spine, the back of my shoulder, or somewhere else. All I can observe is that the left inner thigh felt tight when I practiced shrimp squats later. I do know that my spine is tighter when bending to the side rather than to the front/rear. Perhaps thi mobility exercise might improve my twisting range of motion at least:
Shoulders feel less sore than yesterday, which tells me I can continue practicing P1 at Level A without fear of shoulder reinjury - at least for now.
GMB's Crow Pose tutorial is pretty good. However I also found Antranik's tutorial to be helpful:
A key piece of information that he brings up is you have be active when you practice the Crow Pose. I thought the video includes his statement about engaging the palms - press with the fingers to try to prevent yourself from falling forward, and press with the palm heels to prevent yourself from falling backward - but maybe I missed it or just read it in Reddit. Anyway, using GMB's recommended diamond hand formation, this means pressing with the thumb and palm heel to try to prevent backward falling. Thus, for today's practice I focused not on trying to beat my personal record of 16 seconds but rather on getting used to engaging the thumb and palm heel.
Another thing I should work on when I practice the GMB approach is to play with the weight distribution between my forehead and the toes after I enter the forehead-down position. One cause of my struggle is I put too much weight on my forehead. So instead of setting my timer to 1 minute and struggling to lift my face off the ground during that time, I should instead set it to 2 minutes and take the time to play with the weight distribution and try to get the weight to 50-50 between the forehead and toes - and then try pointing the toes and lifting the face.
I also need to eventually focus on engaging the core more to improve the balance but that's another issue to fix later, as I struggle to focus on multiple cue points at the same time.
I have to say I love Antranik's blooper video because of the dog
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