Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Today's P1 Training

P1, Phase 1, Level B, Sequence 1 
Plank Push-Ups - 6 reps. Quality: Smooth. Ease: Solid. Can't explain why this move suddenly got easier, despite over a week off being sick. The CNS can be funny like that.

Plank Jump to Dip - 6 reps. Quality: Rough. Ease: Challenging. Feet still hitting the floor after the 3rd or 4th rep of a set. When that happens I finish the set with a Tuck Swing to Top Plank just to work on the proper coordination. I think when my feet touch the floor, it's because either my abs or my shoulders (need good downward, straight-arm pressure) are fatigued.

Battle Rams - 8 reps. Quality: Smooth. Ease: Solid.

Tuck Hold - 16 sec. Quality: Rough. Ease: Solid. 

Mt. Climber Holds - 8 reps. Quality: Smooth. Ease: Solid

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