Friday, January 20, 2017

Today's P1 Training - End of Week 2

P1, Phase 1, Level B, Sequence 2

Tuck Swing to Top Plank - 4 reps.  Quality: Rough.  Ease: Challenging

One Leg Shoulder Stand Hold - 15 sec. hold per leg. Quality: Rough.  Ease: Challenging

Tuck Swings - 8 reps. Quality: Rough.  Ease: Solid

Assisted Inverted Presses - 8 reps partial motion. Quality: Rough.  Ease: Challenging

Dive Bombers - 3 reps. Quality: Rough.  Ease: Challenging

The is my 2nd trip through the P1 program, albeit with the P-Barz set at the more challenging Pro height.  I confess that I haven't been keeping track of what week I am on in the program.  Then I realized the instructions change from week to week in P1, sometimes from day to day!

So as of today I will say I am at the end of Week 2 in the program and will keep going until I complete Week 4.

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