Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Octatrack Tricks

I'm always on the lookout for neat tricks to do on the Octatrack.  Seen at the user forum:

Pickup Machine Transition Trick:

It´s very similar to the normal Transition Trick, I just use a Pickup Machine (PM).
The good thing is, if you change patterns afterwards, the PM will always keep playing, because it´s not affected by the change of the Part - the PM content stays the same in alle patterns and banks. also, you can easily delete the contet by just press REC CD two times, and re-record with REC AB. I use QREC 16,, AB and CD to Zero. Instead I sample from "SRC3" set to CUE, so I can sample to the PM only the tracks I want to. (like transition trick)

I also use the Crossfader, Scene A with Max Vol on the PM, and all other tracks to Min Vol; Scene B the other way around, for nice crossfade.

How to emulate a Swarmatrom: track recorders are tied to track, but the record buffers are not, so for example you could (if you wanted to) record using track recorder 1, which would record into buffer 1, then record into track buffer 2 (using track 2) then assign that to play back on track 1. You could then say have the first bar playback buffer 2 on track 1 then put a sample lock to buffer 1 on the second bar, etc.

Recordings can also be saved to flex or static slots in file menu or a bit more conveniently (for me) in rec3 setup.

Also an often overlooked feature is bouncing buffers by using src3, so you could say combine 2 tracks into 1 buffer by cue or main with the relevant tracks muted/cued.

Edit: in direct answer to your question track recorders are available in any track, pickups though do not use the record trigs.

Edit2: So technically you don’t record into a static but rather record into the track recorder, thrn if you want assign to static

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