Monday, February 06, 2023

Isochain 6x6: Week 4

I bought Brett Jones' video course Iron Cardio, because it was on sale for about $20. I'm in the middle of the 6x6 program on the Isochain so I don't plan to try the Iron Cardio right now. However, I'm trying to get my Zercher Squat on the Isochain close to how I would do a kettlebell goblet squat, so I watched the KB goblet squat lesson in Iron Cardio. Brett Jones teaches a "lock and rock" drill, which has the hips set the foot position, so that the range of motion of the hips is optimized for the squat. Brett states that this protects the low back. So I tried using the lock and rock to find my new foot position, and spent the rest of the week training the Zercher squat out of the new position. My feet were turned out more than before. My force numbers went down, but I didn't feel it in my low back either. I haven't been feeling low back pain with my previous, closer to parallel foot positioning, but I did feel a bit of soreness. After switching to the Brett Jones recommended foot positioning, I haven't feel any low back soreness at all, during training or the day after.

On the Shoulder Press, I hit a high of 57.8 lbs, then logged the more usual 51-52 lb. range max force readings

I made the steadiest gains in the Seated Row.

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