Monday, September 21, 2020

HSPU Program Session 58

Set up rings
Mulligan exercise for shoulder rehab
GMB Handstand Wrist prep routine

Pair 1
Inverted Press on Parallettes w/ feet 2 steps up  and 4-sec. negative - 3 sets of -34 reps. - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Challenging
Pullup on Rings w/ 4-6 sec. negative - 3 sets of 5-6 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
2 min. rest between all sets

4 min. rest before Pair 2

Pair 2
Incline Pushup on Rings w/ 4-sec. negative - 3 sets of 5 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Tuck Front Lever Rows Rings w/ 4 sec. negative - 3 sets of 6 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid

2 min. rest between all sets

Brachial Hang for about 1 min.

External shoulder rotation exercises on mini-bands spread through the afternoon

Getting strong enough to do Inverted Press with greater range of motion in the bottom of the movement with my feet elevated 2 steps. I'm still forgetting to elevate the scapula at the top of the movement though.

Pullups with hands slightly wider than shoulder width, per GMB's new pullup and chinup article,  are much more comfortable on rings than on the bar.  

Thought about doing 5 rounds of the 2nd antagonist pair to get more volume on the Tuck Lever Rows, but I achieved 6 reps/set so left the volume as normal.

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