Thursday, September 17, 2020

HSPU Program Session 56

Set up rings
Mulligan exercise for shoulder rehab
GMB Handstand Wrist prep routine

Pair 1
Inverted Press on Parallettes w/ feet 2 steps up  and 4-sec. negative - 3 sets of 3-4 reps. - Quality: Rough, Ease: Challenging
Pullup on Door Pullup Bar w/ 4-sec. negative - 3 sets of 4 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
2 min. rest between all sets

4 min. rest before Pair 2

Pair 2
Incline Pushup on Rings w/ 4-sec. negative - 3 sets of 4-5 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Tuck Front Lever Rows Rings w/ 4 sec. negative - 3 sets of 4 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
Arc Rows w/ Accommodating Resistance on Rings, drop set after the Tuck Front Lever Rows -  3 sets of 3 reps - Quality: Rough, Ease: Solid

2 min. rest between all sets

Arm Lounge stretch
L-Arm stretch
Brachial Hang for about 1 min.

External shoulder rotation exercises on mini-bands spread through the afternoon - first on medium band, then on light band.

Another Brachial Hang for about 1 min. before dinner

I decided to try pullups with a slightly wider than shoulder width grip after seeing this:

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Chin Ups and Pull Ups - Do you ever feel like your pull ups and/or chin ups never get any easier no matter how much you work on them? - If you are using compensation strategies to do them, this might be why you are not seeing much progress. - Try these tips demonstrated by #gmbtrainer JJ @primalphysicaltherapy to help you get the most out of your chins and pulls, and help you train the kind of strength that fosters comfort and ease with pulling strategies: - Chins vs Pulls: The Chin Up position starts with hands shoulder width apart, palms facing toward you. Pull with the shoulder blades first, trying not to arch your back. Instead, try to hold a “hollow body” position. Next, pull with the arms, focusing on pinching your elbows together towards midline all the way until they graze your rib cage. This encourages scapular activation throughout the range and ties everything into your spine and core. - The Pull Up position starts with hands wider than shoulder width, palms facing away from you. Again, pull with shoulder blades first, being conscious of your spinal position (aiming for hollow body). This time, keep elbows flared outward (rather than squeezing to midline), and pull elbows to your sides until they touch the outside of your lower ribs. - If these moves are just not happening for you, try regressing them: Start with holding hollow body in a hang, and just training the shoulder blades to pull your body up keeping straight arms. The next progression would be do jump to the top position, hold it while keeping the position cues, then slowly lower down with proper muscular engagement. - . . . . . #physicalautonomy #pullups #chinups #regresstoprogress #scapularstrength #scapularstability #shoulder #back #core #hollowbody #gmbfitness #fitness #bodyweightexercise #abs #fitnesstips

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Pullups on a bar still feel uncomfortable for my shoulder, despite the improvement in how my shoulder feels.  Next time, I'll try them with rings set to a similar distance.  In theory, this movement should be working my shoulder external rotators more than when I was practicing the pullups with hands at shoulder width or narrower.

For next upper body session, I'll do at least one more antagonist pair set of ring pushups and tuck front lever rows instead of doing the drop set with Arc Rows, if time allows

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