Tuesday, August 11, 2020

HSPU Program Session 37

Set up rings

Pair 1
Inverted Press on Rings w/ 4-sec. negative - 3 sets of 3-4 reps. - Quality: Rough, Ease: Challenging
Pullup on Rings w/ 4-sec. negative - 3 sets of 3 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
2 min. rest between all sets

4 min. rest before Pair 2

Pair 2
Incline Pushup on Rings w/ 4-sec. negative - 3 sets - Quality: Rough, Ease: Solid
Tuck Front Lever Rows Rings w/ 6-8 sec. negative -  3 reps - Quality: Smooth, Ease: Solid
2 min. rest between all sets

All the messing around with ring height and positioning between sets

Rotator Cuff External Rotation with light mini-band
No Money exercise with heavy mini band

Inverted Press on Parallettes w/4-sec. negative on stairs - 4 reps - Quality: Rough,  Ease: Challenging

Inverted Press on Rings was just too hard to be worth pursuing at this time.  The instability of the rings made the movement so much more difficult to execute with adherence to all the critical cues - scapular protraction, no elbow flare, forearms must be parallel to torso at all times, etc.  So for next upper body session, I'll switch back to parallettes for this exercise.

Pullups were ok again, but I still feel shoulder irritation when descending into full dead hang with elevated scapula.  Fitness trainers/coaches do not seem to agree on whether one should descending into full dead hang, or only descend as low as possible without losing scapular depression.  GMB is in favor of the former because you would be practicing a scapular pull on every rep.  If I interpret what Daniel Vadnal is saying here, I need only lower myself to where my arms are completely straight, yet maintaining scapular depression - thus no scapular pull on every rep.

Because my shoulder is fine during descent as long as the scapula is kept depressed, then starts to feel irritated when the scapula goes up so I can dead-hang, I'm siding with Daniel on this one.  Sorry, GMB.

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