Overhand Vertical Pullapart - 1 set - 4 springs - Could not complete the rep, so went back down to 3 springs.
Overhand Vertical Pullapart (backdown set with one less spring) - 1 set - 2 springs - About 12 reps
Underhand Vertical Pullapart - 2 sets - 3 springs
Horizontal Pullapart - 1 set, followed by mechanial drop set of Underhand Vertical Pullapart - 2 springs
Horizontal Pullapart (1 spring less, no following drop set) - 1 set
Back Press - 2 sets - 4 springs
Sideway (Tricep) Extension - 1 set - 3 springs
Sideway (Tricep) Extension (backdown set with one less spring) - 1 set - 2 springs
Overhead Tricep Extension - 1 set - 2 springs - Left tricep was so pumped and burned out, could not do one rep. Could do 2 with right triceps.
Reverse Curl - 2 sets - 3 springs - Managed to do 2 sets of 5 reps with very high effort.
Deltoid Raise (scapular plane/Y raise) - 2 sets - 2 springs - Was able to do 5 reps but could not get the handle to shoulder height.
Bicep Curl - 1 sets - 1 spring - I did about 30 reps per arm
After one set of Bicep Curl, my elbows were feeling sore already - the tendonitis kind of soreness. I think at this time I should just let my elbows rest - no overspeed eccentric curls, no Flexbar work, etc. - as much as possible.
For the next session, I'll do the 2 Underhand Vertical Pullapart sets first, then do 2 Overhand Vertical Pullapart sets. The reason is last week I was strong enough in the OVP to move past 3 springs, but today I was not strong enough to do OVP with 4 springs. By doing the UVP sets first, perhaps there will be some kind of pre-exhaust effect on my OVP performance. Pre-exhaustion was one of the strategies mentioned by Alex Leonidas in his videos, for getting more mileage out of the Baraban chest expander when one has progressed to working with all 7 springs. Perhaps it can also be employed as a strategy for progressing when one is too strong for the current spring count, but too week work with an added spring.
Another thing I will try is doing the 2nd OVP set with the same number of springs, instead of as a backdown set.
Yet another thing to change for next session is to go ahead and remove a spring if my triceps have nothing left for Overhead Tricep Extension.
I think I'm starting to understand the point of back off sets. When the load for the first set is so heavy that you can do only about 4-6 reps with higher than normal effort, dropping the load for the 2nd set allows for more reps, which means more practive of the movement and more potential stimulus for muscle adn strength gains. Thus for next session, the 2nd sets of Reverse Curl and Deltoid Raise will both be back off sets (1 spring removed).
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