Friday, August 02, 2024

Chest Expander Workout 8/2

Underhand Vertical Pullapart - 2 sets - 3 springs - Attempted a rep with 4 springs, but could not complete it. Did 12+ reps per set with 3 springs.

Overhand Vertical Pullapart - 2 sets - 3 springs

Horizontal Pullapart - 1 set, followed by mechanical drop set of Underhand Vertical Pullapart - 2 springs

Horizontal Pullapart - 1 backoff set w/ 1 spring

Back Press - 2 sets - 4 springs - Did 15 reps first set, 9 2nd set.

Sideway (Tricep) Extension - 2 sets - 3 springs

Overhead Tricep Extension - 1 set - 2 springs - Managed 3 reps with left arm

Reverse Curl - 1 set - 3 springs - Managed 7 reps per arm

Reverse Curl - 1 back off set - 2 springs

Deltoid Raise (scapular plane/Y raise) - 1 set - 2 springs

Deltoid Raise (scapular plane/Y raise) - 1 back off set - 1 springs

This workout is based on Alex Leonidas' old school workout. In this or his intro to chest expander video, Alex says you add a spring to a particular exercise for your next workout if you have achieved one of 2 milestones: 2 sets of at least 12 reps, or one set of 15 reps. The first requirement does not seem to work for me. I have never been able to complete one rep with an added spring, in the very next session, after achieving 2 sets of 12+ reps. I went up in springs for some exercises early in this chest expander training bloack, due to gains from previous training blocks - the most recent 8-week Easy Muscle block, the 6x6 IsoMax block before that, and so on. I think the other milestone - one set of 15 reps - might turn out to be the more accurate one. I am wondering if I do 2 sets of an exercise, and can do 15 reps in the first set, if it matters where or not I can do 12 reps in the 2nd set.

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