Friday, August 09, 2024

Chest Expander Workout 8/9

I did not skip the 8/7 workout. There just wasn't anything in particular to report. Today's workout:

Overhand Vertical Pullapart - 1 set - 4 springs - About 4 attempts. Failed on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th attempt. Succeeded on the 2nd.

Overhand Vertical Pullapart - 1 back off set - 3 springs

Underhand Vertical Pullapart - 1 set - 3 springs

Overhand Vertical Pullapart - mechanical drop set - 3 springs - Extra practice of this movement should help.

Horizontal Pullapart - 1 set, followed by mechanical drop set of Underhand Vertical Pullapart - 2 springs

Horizontal Pullapart - 1 backoff set w/ 1 spring

Back Press - 1 set - 5 springs - Managed 6 reps

Back Press - 1 back off set - 4 springs

Sideway (Tricep) Extension - 1 sets - 4 springs - Yes! Moved up to 4 springs and managed 5 reps.

Sideway (Tricep) Extension - 1 back off set - 3 springs

Overhead Tricep Extension - 1 finisher set - 2 springs

Reverse Curl - 1 set - 3 springs - Managed 8 reps per arm

Reverse Curl - 1 back off set - 2 springs

Deltoid Raise (scapular plane/Y raise) - 2 finisher sets - 1 spring

I managed to do one full rep of Overhand Vertical Pullapart with 4 springs. After that one full rep, I guess I no longer had the energy to do another full rep. My technique in this movement still needs work, so I decided to do an extra set as a mechanical drop set after a set of Underhand Vertical Pullapart.

Next session, if I'm still struggling with the transition to a 4-spring Overhand Vertical Pullapart, I will try doing the mechanical drop set of Overhand Vertical Pullapart after my first set of Underhand Vertical Pullapart. To try to avoid overtraining, I will cut the back off set of Horizontal Pullapart. These changes will only be in place until I can do more than one clean rep of Overhand Vertical Pullapart with 4 springs.

I'm getting a better feel for the groove of the Sideway Extension. It's harder with 5 springs of course but the movement doesn't feel as awkward as the first time I tried it. That very first attempt was a failure because I didn't have the mobility to stretch the springs behind my head like that. That was with 2 springs. Now I'm up 5 which is decent progress.

The shoulders are fatiguing faster than the triceps in the 5-spring Back Press. Perhaps the tricep strength gains will carry over to Back Press performance, thus allow the shoulders to work hard for more reps, leading to shoulder gains

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