How a regular person, with no special talent in anything, pursues goals in music, etc. Some tangential or completely off-topic posts will appear as well.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
GSC Month 3: Week 2
Pseudo Planche Pushup (Accommodating Resistance) strength sets: 2 2 2
Suspension RTO Pushup Drop Set
Suspension pushup finisher set
For my last set of Pseudo Planche Pushups, I messed something up and nearly did my first Tuck Planche by accident. I need to remember to do the spiraling pull from the back to the pinkies of my hands at the bottom position, to pre-stretch and activate the chest for the grinding concentric. I recorded a video for self-critique, and was surprised to see I was leaning forward further than I expected. I did not notice any sagging of the hips in the video. I need to be more willing to pull my shoulders back, so that they are not as far forward of the hands, when I get stuck during the grinding concentric.
Isometric holds under loads that are great enough so that more than 5 seconds is next to impossible are known for improving tendon strength. The intense isometric hold in this version of the Pseudo Planche Pushup seems to stimulate greater progress in shoulder stability and feeling generally better..
Workout #2
Tuck Front Lever Row strength sets: 2 2 2
Elevated Suspension Hip Extension strength sets: 5 5 5
Finisher rows on NOSSK: Untimed drop set lat rows, then untimed drop set regular rows.
Finisher Straight Leg Hip Bridge set: Drop set starting with feet on NOSSK, then on ground
I tried to begin each Front Lever Row set by holding the more difficult Front Lever position for at least 3 seconds, to stimulate gains towards the full Front Lever hold, then tuck in the knees, then row up, then untuck the knees for the eccentric. I think it makes more sense to begin the set by just by getting into Tuck Front Lever at the bottom position, taking a moment to check that position is decent, row for the concentric, pause at the top to untuck the knees, lower in the eccentric in the harder position, and then to the isometric hold at the bottom of the movement. And then after the isometric hold, tucking in the knees for the next rep.
Workout #3
Assited Jumbo Shrimp Squat strength sets: 5 5 5
Moving Side Plank strength sets: 5 5 5
Jump Lunge finisher set: about 75s
Side Plank hold finisher set: 25s per side
Jumbo Shrimp Squat quality of movement improved over last week. I decided to just do the side planks on the hardwood floor instead of the yoga mat, which felt fine, as long as I concentrate my weight on the meaty part of the forearm rather than the elbow. I set a new time PR for the Jump Lunge - I should revisit the instructional video to make sure I'm not cheating in some way.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
GSC Month 3: Week 1
Workout #1
For this morning, I skipped the blood pressure reading. The levels have dropped from elevated to normal/healthy level for the past several days. I'm not sure what caused the drop. It could have been seeing certain home repairs done and some issues with teh car getting taken care of. It could have been the addition of a little lean muscle mass stimulated by those GSC finisher sets. It helps that I've been taking the readings first thing in the morning, which is when my blood pressure tends to be the lowest. Maybe my understanding is wrong, but I feel like I'd know I'm in trouble if the readings are above normal parameters while I'm sleeping.
Pseudo Planche Pushup (Accommodating Resistance) strength sets: 2 2 2
Suspension RTO Pushup Drop Set
Suspension pushup finisher set
I was excited to try Pseudo Planche Pushups with Accommodating Resistance for the first time. The very first set was awkward because I forgot to turn my hands slightly outward, then I relaxed too much at the bottom position. I started the second set leaning a little too far forward, so that I was unable to do even 1 second of the isometric hold and thus immediately started falling. Fortunately, I was able to exert enough force during the eccentric to fall slowly into the bottom position. The 2nd rep was better, as was the 3rd set. It will take some time to get a feel for the amount of lean. I want to lean forward enough to make me work hard in the isometric hold for 3-5 seconds, but not so far forward that I can't do the isometric hold at all.
The way people typically do calisthenic exercises is to put most of the effort into the concentric phase of the movement, and sort of take a break during the eccentric phase, maybe expending just enough effort to maintain control of the movement. Accommodating Resistance (AR), as adapted by Mindful Mover to calisthenics, involves increasing the load for the eccentric, typically by deliberately introducing more mechanical disadvantage, like leaning forward in the pushup position. What this does is make the muscles work for both the concentric and eccentric phases of the movement, instead of just in the concentric. Because of the harder work throughout the whole movement, the possible number of reps in a set is decreased. Lower number of reps does not matter in this case, because progress in a calisthenic exercise done with AR is not measured by number of reps of the movement. Rather, it is measured by how much closer the trainee is able to get to a target position - in this case, the full planche with toes off the floor, all weight on the hands, arms locked out straight, straight line from ankles all the way to top of the head, etc. The promise of AR is that the harder work will result in faster strength gains than calisthenics done the typical way.
Workout #2
Tuck Front Lever Row strength sets: 3 3 3
Elevated Suspension Hip Extension strength sets: 5 6 6
Finisher rows on NOSSK: Untimed drop set lat rows, then untimed drop set regular rows.
Finisher Straight Leg Hip Bridge set: Drop set starting with feet on NOSSK, then on ground
This was my first Front Lever Row session with Accommodating Resistance, doing the concentric in Tuck Front Lever position, pausing at the top to untuck - that is, to move the knees as far away from my chest as I can to increase load - then doing the eccentric with the increased load, then finally pausing at the bottom to reset into Tuck Front Lever before the next rep. As with the Pseudo Planche Pushup, with AR, I can feel my muscles working harder through the entire movement. I also feel the abs working harder than before.
While reflecting on this session, I got the idea to try to hold the more difficult Front Lever position for at least 3 seconds at the end of each set, to stimulate extra gains towards the full Front Lever hold, in the way the isometric hold, while leaning forward, in the Pseudo Planche Pushup is supposed to stimulate gains towards the full planche hold.
The suspension hip extension with elevated feet reminds me of a similar exercise I did on the Lifeline Power Wheel. Back then I could only do 3 reps on the Power Wheel. I don't have any ideas for doing this move with AR so I was content to do them as demonstrated by Red Delta Project.
Workout #3
Assited Jumbo Shrimp Squat strength sets: 3 6 6
Moving Side Plank strength sets: 4 4 4
Jump Lunge finisher set: about 40s
Side Plank hold finisher set: 20s per side
For my first Jumbo Shrimp squat set, I focused on getting the non-working knee as far below the working foot as possible, which resulted in 3 high-effort, low-quality reps. For the remaining sets, I decided to just focus on good quality reps and not worry so much about going as low as possible. Another change I made was to use the NOSSK for assistance rather than my kitchen counter. I felt I had better support from the NOSSK
Monday, November 15, 2021
GSC Month 1: Week 4
I continued the schedule of Workout #1 on Monday, Workout #2 on Wednesday, and Workout #3 on Friday.
Workout #1
For this morning, my blood pressure readings were 118/87 and 61 pulse.
Floor pushup strength sets: 8 8 8
RTO Pushup Drop Set
Suspension pushup finisher set
I might have done more than 8 reps for the first, and maybe even the 2nd set of floor pushups. However, I'd already decided that if I could do 3 sets of 8, I would do a drop set of RTO pushups instead of a 4th set of floor pushups, then do the Finisher Phase with a drop set of regular suspension pushups. By doing 3 sets of 8 floor pushups, I felt like I proved to myself that I could move up to Pseudo Planche Pushups with Accommodating Resistance next week.
Workout #2
For this morning, my blood pressure readings were 113/80 and 57 pulse.
Tuck Front Lever Row strength sets: 7 6 6
Suspension Straight Leg Hip Bridge strength sets: 6 6 6
Finisher rows on NOSSK: 3 min. set.
Finisher Straight Leg Hip Bridge set: 20
For some reason, I felt was I was starting to use more of my upper back - as if I'd been mostly just using my arms on the Tuck Front Lever Row. I'll try to focus more on pulling from the spine and spiraling out to the hands next time. Still, I feel read to try transitioning to Advanced Tuck Front Lever rows next week, using Accommodating Resistance by doing the eccentric portion in the Advanced Tuck Front Lever position, and switching back to Tuck Front Lever for the concentric portion.
Workout #3
I skipped this workout this week, due to circumstances beyond my control. Nothing serious, at least! I will resume this workout next week.
Pseudo Planche Pushup has three movement portions which I hope I will remember next week:
- Isometric. At the top of pushup position, lean forward, point your toes away from you, then hold the position isometrically for 3-5 seconds. You must lean forward far enough so that the isometric hold feels intense. If you can hold for more than 5 seconds, you're not leaning far enough.
- Eccentric. Bend elbows and you should start falling slowly to the ground. If you don't feel like you're falling, lean forward some more. Push hard to control your fall. If despite your best effort you're falling too fast, reduce forward lean.
- Concentric. Push up as much as you can. When you reach a point that you are stuck, reduce your forward lean until you can continue pushing all the way back to top position.
Monday, November 08, 2021
GSC Month 1: Week 3
Workout #1
For the Tension phase, the isometric pushup was still a struggle, so I just did it standing, pushing hard against the yoga strap.
Floor pushup strength sets: 8 7 7 4
Getting closer to the minimum 3 sets of 8 reps, which is an admittedly arbitrary goal I set for myself to achieve. Once this goal is achieved, I would feel ready to start working on Pseudo Planche Pushups, aka "Leaned Forward Pushups", which is the next major step in the progression towards Planche Pushups.
I once again forgot to time the finisher pushups. I did have the NOSSK straps set long enough to allow me to start the Finisher Phase with sets of RTO pushups, gradually working to greater and greater incline to drop the intensity, then swith to regular incline pushups without missing a beat.
Workout #2
For this morning, my blood pressure readings were 113/80 and 58 pulse.
Tuck Front Lever Row strength sets: 5 5 5
Level 4 Suspension Straight Leg Hip Bridge strength sets: 3 3 6
Finisher rows on NOSSK: 3 min. set.
Finisher Isochain Romanian Deadlift 110lbs: 30s hold
No obvious progress on Tuck Front Lever Row. I think I started to get the hang of Suspension Straight Leg Hip Bridge on the last strength set.
Workout #3
I once again forgot to do the Lateral Push Down as part of the Tension phase and also forgot do the T-Planks as part of the Stability Phase. Maybe I'm still not taking the lateral chain aspect of Workout #3 as seriously as I should.
Assisted Jumbo Shrimp Squat strength sets: 4 4 4
Moving Side Plank strength sets: 5 5 5
Finisher Jump Lunge: Managed just over 50s
Finisher Side Plank: 25s hold
This was my first workout with the Jumbo Shrimp Squat, aka "Elevated Shrimp Squat". I think I may have focused too much on folding my torso forward rather than on just sinking my hips straight down.
Great video by Eduardo Orihuela on progressing from Pseudo Planche Pushup to Tuck Planche Pushup - probably works best with parallettes or 2 sturdy chairs. Great post by Mindful Mover on an exercise that can be used for progressing past the Tuck Planche - starting in Tuck Planche and increasing difficulty on the eccentric portion of the movement, by extending the legs, then setting the feet down and doing a Pseudo Planche Pushup on the concentric portion.
Friday, November 05, 2021
Grind Style Calisthenics Month 1: Week 2
Workout #1
For the Tension phase, the isometric pushup was still a struggle, just like last week. I cut all the extra abdominal work (isometric pulldown, planks, leg raise) from Workout #1.
Floor pushup strength sets: 6 6 6 6
My pushup reps per set doubled from last week. This might be delayed carry over from the work I did in the Isochain Burn Count program. I figured the carry over would not be immediate as the floor pushup, being a dynamic movement, required getting used to the movement pattern again, after spending so much time on static (isometric) exercise.
I didn't time the finisher pushups this time. I just did sets of RTO pushups, then regular incline pushups on the NOSSK, with some time wasted between sets messing around with the strap trying to find good lengths for the straps. Next time, I should set the straps at greater lengths - maybe with the handles at my knee height - and start RTO pushups in the bottom position.
Workout #2
For the Tension phase, a bent-over rows with Isochain was indeed more satifying than seated row with yoga strap and shirt or towel.
For the Stability phase, I found some nice ideas for playing with Crab Walk in this GMB post.
Tuck Front Lever Row strength sets: 4 5 5
Single Straight Leg Bridge sets: 8 8 8
Finisher rows on NOSSK: Not timed. Wasted time in similar fashion to the Finisher portion of Workout #1
Finisher Isochain Romanian Deadlift on link 2: 23s hold
Progress on Tuck Front Lever Row was slow when I worked on it last year. The reps were about the same as last week. I think any progress I make this time around will depend on work on the Finisher phase - both the movement practice itself and any hypertrophy I can get out of it.
Workout #3
My shoulder felt good for T-Planks as long as I did not try to bring up the arm to a 90 degree angle in relation to the torso. Unfortunately I once again forgot to do the Lateral Push Down as part of the Tension phase.
For the Stability phase, I'm thinking of working in some Monkey into the play session with the Shifting Squat. Some ideas for Monkey with tight hips/ankles in this GMB post.
Assisted Shrimp Squat strength sets: 8 8 8
Moving Side Plank strength sets: 4 4 4
Finisher Jump Lunge: Timeed up to 90s but forgot to record actual work time
Finisher Side Plank: 15s hold
Assisted Shrimp Squat improvement was not as dramatic as last week but I still progressed to 8-rep sets. I can finally try assisted elevated shrimp squats next week! The shoulder felt better for all side plank work, compared to last week, which is a big improvement.