Thursday, July 22, 2021

Planning for Deconditioned Person Heavy Club Routine

I've mostly recovered from my latest shoulder and elbow issues, thanks to adopting the technique taught by Red Delta Project for pulling exercises, and the evidence-based rehab exercises for Golfers Elbow taught by E3 Rehab.

As previously mentioned, I found Mark Wildman's videos recommending a choice of two exercise programs for people who are overweight, deconditioned, and/or coming off of injury. One program is built on 3 kettlebell exercises. Another is built on heavy club exercises. I chose the heavy club program. If I make it to the end of the program without hurting myself, there should be significant improvement in the endurance of the shoulder external rotators and both the strength and endurance of the forearms.

I searched for any videos Wildman may have made on a warmup routine for the heavy club program. I found this video:

I extracted this routine from the video:

1. Shield Cast variation with light club - 30 sec/side
2. Neck Mobiltiy 1 min.
3. Spine/Roll 1 min.
4. Shin Box 1 min.
Repeat above four exercises, for a total warmup time of 8 min.

Wildman mentions a separate video covering Shin Box. I found this videow which shows 4 ShinBox variations and what GMB calls the Around the World Squat

The work part of the routine for the first session is this - Wildman presented the exercises in a different order but I arranged them by difficulty, with the hardest being first:

Shield Cast - 3 to 5 reps per set, per side. Alternate sides, without rest, until 3 total sets per side is done.
Rest - I think about a minute but I'm not sure
Outside Circle - Same guidance for reps and sets
Inside Circle - Same guidance for reps and set

Wildman says to add a set with each new session, until you have done a session with 10 sets per side, per exercise. In one of his videos, he says if you cannot do 5 reps in one set, go for 3, and stick with 3 reps a set until you get to 10 sets. Then, I think, you work up to 10 sets of 5 reps. After you have achieved 10 sets of 5 reps, then you work up to 20 sets of 5 reps.

I could not find mention of a cooldown routine. I'll just try various mobility/stretching exercises

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