Tuesday, July 13, 2021

First Clubbell session in a while

Forearm rotation exercise with a hammer, as part of my Golfer's Elbow rehab, got me thinking about doing some Clubbell training to continue strengthening and conditioning my forearms.

I came across a recent Mark Wildman video which recommends three heavy club exercises for overweight people, deconditioned people, and people coming off of injury such as myself.

He actually considers these to be the 2nd best set of 3 exercises for people who fit in these groups, the best set being suitcase deadlift, box squat, and military press - all with a kettlebell. What both sets of exercises promise is improved ability to stand up, grip strength, core rotation, and shoulder mobility. I'm going with the clubbell exercises for the benefits to the forearms and the shoulders, particularly the external rotators. Wildman also likes side-to-side heavy club exercises for improving the foot arches.
Mark Wildman's programming guidelines for single-arm heavy club training for beginners, overweight people, deconditioned people, and people coming off of injury such as myself.

Here he states why there should be breaks between sets, and for how long.
Here Wildman expands a bit on the thought process behind his recommended kettlebell and heavy club movements for overweight and deconditioned people, as well as giving an overview of next steps after the 3 recommended kettlebell and 3 recommended heavy club exercises:
Here Wildman goes more in depth with the Inside Circle, but says to work up to 10 sets of 5 reps, instead of 20 sets, then increase load. I think he had the ADEX adjustable club in mind. Working up to 20 sets was, I think, with non-adjustable heavy clubs like RMAX Clubbells in mind. What I will do is work up to 10 sets of 3, since 3 reps per set at 15 lbs. is what I feel comfortable with, and restart the cycle with 4 reps per set, eventually working up to 20 sets of 5 reps.

Following the guidelines the session I did Tuesday of last week was:

Shield Cast
Outside Circle
Inside Circle

3 sets of 3 reps per side, per exercise.

By the evening, I was started to feel some delayed soreness (DOMS) in the upper half of my upper back and the back of the shoulders. The DOMS were a little more intense this morning. I followed one of the Prepare routines from GMB Elements to try to alleviate the DOMs, as well as a move from GMB Recovery meant to alleviate upper body soreness. 

 The DOMS persisted through the weekend!

On a different note, I found an updated wrist strength routine from GMB.  This routine has new content that is not in the GMB Wrist Prep routine popular on the bodyweightfitness Reddit.

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