Saturday, February 10, 2018

Rings One, Phase 1, Level B (modified), Week 4

Oops, forgot to log the results for Weeks 2 and 3.

The modifications are to compensate for my shoulder issue and my strength level almost at the B level but not quite yet (cannot do L-Sit but am close, cannot do Tuck to Tuck Shoulder Stand).

Above The Rings

Dips - 9 reps. Quality: Smooth. Ease: Solid

L-Sit - Still not all the way there with both legs, but one straight leg at a time is doable.

Inverted Push-Ups - 7 reps. Quality: Smooth. Ease: Solid.

Crow Pose - 3 rounds of up to 1-min per round of Crow Pose practice.  This is my chosen substitute for pushups, as it can build similar strength with less shoulder discomfort.

Below The Rings

Inverted Pike Roll Chin-Ups - Started the transition from tuck roll ot pike roll.  I can do 3 reps of the pike roll version with some effort, then switch to tuck roll to finish the set.  Hamstring flexibility is good enough for the pike roll and the added load of the pike position on the abs should help progress towards the full L-sit.

Skin The Cats - 3 reps. Quality: Rough.  Ease: Challenging.  Adding a couple of reps of simply lowering the legs while keeping them straight, then using hamstring/glute power to raise them back into the inverted hang position seems to be improving my hamstring flexibility.

Chin-Ups - 9 reps. Quality: Smooth. Ease: Solid.  Still having intermittent shoulder irritation in the dead hang - so cutting the range just a bit.

I received a recommendation from the good folks at GMB to try practicing the Frogger and Monkey movements, to assist in my progress towards a developing a hand balancing skill such as the Crow Pose or handstand.  The recommendation was to check out this article.

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