Thursday, April 02, 2015

Rings One, Level A, Phase 2: Week 2 Start

Exercise on the rings is so fun I had to resist the temptation to defy the Rings One instruction to not train two days in a row on the rings.   So yesterday, I did this:

1. Rings One Warmup, with the hip extension and hip mobility exercises from the SI joint rehab routine.

2. Assisted Pistol Squat (using a light weight - a 15lb club bell in my case - for counterbalance assistance) - 2 reps/set for 3 sets.

3. Rings One Cooldown along with stretches for calf, hip flexor, and hamstrings.

Today I have more soreness in my legs than usual - especially the quads.  On my off-days during Rings One, I'd occasionally done the Leg Module exercises but they don't work the legs with as much intensity.  I want to see what Pistol Squats will do for my lingering aches/pains in the hips/SI area, as well as the quad strength for the L-Sit.

Today is my Below The Rings day, to start Week 2.  I had to bail out of my first Skin The Cat attempt.  Looks like I will have to do one "warmup rep" in the first set - just lowering my torso a little bit (maybe 30 degrees from the Tuck Inverted Hang position) - before proceeding with the exercise in earnest.  I was able to do 4 reps/set of the Inverted Tuck Roll Chin.  Grip endurance seems to be the limiting factor for both Skin The Cat and Inverted Tuck Roll Chin.  I can only presume it will improve as I gain strength in both movements.

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