Saturday, September 21, 2024

Max Force Tests For Next 6x6 Training Block

Today I tested my max force in my usual selection of exercises for 6x6, using the 1-rep Max protocol as described in Paul Wade's book The Ultimate Isometrics Manual. These are the results in lbs:

Zercher Lunge - 71.5
Overhead Press - 107.5
Reverse Curl - 142

My Zercher Lunge and Overhead Press results were lower than the force levels I was generating towards the end of my previous 6x6 taining block. For example my overhead press was in the 125-133 lb. range. I think the drop in force output is just a consequence of not practicing overcoming isometrics for several months. With renewed practice, the force numbers should go back up.

I tried the regular curl but I felt some irritatoin in my left elbow. So for this training block I'll be doing reverse curl instead.

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