Friday, October 15, 2021

First GSC Workout

I did my first Grind Style Calisthenics (GSC) workout under the GSC Month 1 program this morning. As previously mentioned, the chosen workout was Workout #3 (Squat and Lateral Chain). I thought I was ready to go, then realized I needed to review the Red Delta Project videos on the Tension, Stability, Strength/Grind, and Finisher/Hypertrophy phases of a GSC workout.

Despite my efforts to review these videos and the program guidelines, I still kind of botched the workout by forgetting to do the Lateral Pushdown after the Wall Sit and Table Bridge during the Tension phase. I did the Shifting Squat and T-Plank, then realized I forgot the Lateral Pushdown and thus did the Lateral Pushdown. I then immediately did my first set of Assisted Shrimp Squat and was only able to do 3 reps per leg because of lingering tension in my abs from the Lateral Pushdown isometric drill.

I ended up doing 3 reps for the 2nd set, 6 reps for the 3rd set, then 4 reps in bad form - should have stopped immediately after the first badly executed rep, which is usually a sign of CNS burnout. I supersetted the assisted shrimp squats with a 10-second hold per side in the side plank with suspended feet. Rest was about 2.5 minutes between sets. I'll try a 4-min. rest period between sets in the Strength phase next time.

The GSC Month 1 Bible says to do 90 seconds of Jump Lunge to start the Finisher phase. I managed about 60 seconds. I was able to do all 20 seconds of straddle side plank on the floor.

Later in the afternoon, I did the miniband shoulder rehab workout, minus the overhead press exercise.

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