Wednesday, June 20, 2018

End of my Elements practice, and moving on

I injured my lower back two Fridays ago, while practicing the High Frogger and /High Monkey movements in what was to be my last Elements session for the month.  I was in a deep squat, getting ready to do a High Frogger.  When I'm in a deep squat, my low back is stretched - one of the last things I would want to happen, while in that position, is a low back muscle contraction .  Unfortunately, that is what happened.  Whatever the cause of that ill-timed muscle contraction, whether it was a spasm or something else, the pain was immediate and intense.  The pain was intense enough that I had a very difficult time getting up off the floor. After more difficulty getting to the kitchen and raising a glass of water to my lips, I was able to take 2 Motrin capsules to try to reduce the pain.  That evening, I went to the doctor, who prescribed a muscle relaxant and physical therapy.

Physical therapy has been going well.  Looking ahead to when I'm ready to exercise for strength again instead of just rehab,  I  decided to assess what exercises from Integral Strength I could start working on, on the days I don't have a physical therapy session scheduled.  These are the results, with only one measure per exercise - whether my body, particularly the low back and hips in their current condition;  will allow me to do it or not:

Broad Jump No
Shrimp Squats Ok but be careful
Push-Ups Ok but be careful
Bridge Press-Ups No
Inverted Press Yes
L-sit No
Chin-Ups  Did not try but probably no
Hollow Body Did not try but I do a very gentle version of it in physical therapy

I had a sore hip for the rest of the day, as punishment for trying out the above movements, but it was worth it, as it settled that question in my mind.

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