Sunday, August 23, 2015

Parallettes One, Level B, Phase 1: Week 11 Report

Progress on Workout 1 Exercises 

Plank Push-Ups - 6 reps, max of 7

Plank Jump to Dip -  10 reps/set

Battle Rams (Version 2) - New max of 12 reps/set.

Tuck Hold -  5 sec. tuck hold, followed by 3 sec. per leg when keeping one leg tucked and extending the other as far forward as possible.

Mt. Climber Holds -  Around the 9-10 rep range

Progress on Workout 2 Exercises

Tuck Swing to Top Plank - Somewhere in the 8-10 range.

One Leg Shoulder Stand Hold - 10 sec. hold range per leg.

Tuck Swings - 12 reps.  Control seems to be getting better though.

Assisted Inverted Presses -  8 reps.

Dive Bombers Standard - 10 reps.

This coming week, I plan to take a day off from work, so instead of the usual MWF schedule, I'll do one day of parallette training and 3 days of bike commuting

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