Saturday, February 08, 2025

Giant 2.0: Week 2 completed and doing bar chin ups again

Last week I started Giant 2.0. This is one of the 4 programs that come with The Giant by Geoff Neupert. This one incorporates repetition ladders.

For the Monday session, I focused on the press portion of the double KB Clean + Press. I took the time to practice the zip-up with the racked kettlebells.

For the Wednesday and Friday sessions, I went back to focusing on the overall C+P movement, in which the KBs are cleaned into rack position, then pressed almost immediately. There is a store-and-release kind of action that happens - the cleaned KBs settling into the rack adds extra tension to the body, which is then released with the press, adding a little extra power to the press. The store-and-release action is one of the reasons KB practitioners can typically do more C+P reps than strict press reps.

My left shoulder started to bother me a bit. By Friday I realized that in my effort to improve my overhead lockout positioning, I was allowing my scapula to rise. So for Friday I focused on keeping my shoulders in their sockets

On my training days, I've been practicing chin ups, sort of in grease the groove fashion, in the afternoons after my Giant 2.0 sessions, as inspired by Geoff Neupert's video. When I first read his arguments about too much pronation leading to elbow tendonitis (golfer's elbow or tennis elbow), I felt dismissive at first, but upon further reflection, I thought this Davis's law that he mentions might be legit - maybe by doing a bit of chin up training I could get my elbow tendons to remodel themselves to tolerate chin ups. I used rings for chin up training on Monday and Wednesday. Rings allow me to start with hands in neutral grip, then pull into supinated hands at the top of the chin up. Then, later in the week, I tried chin ups on the pull up bar and was pleasantly surprised to find the concentric portion fel fine, using the spiraling technique. The eccentric portion irritated my right elbow, but not my left elbow. I finished each set with hanging for time with the supinated grip. Neupert says elbow pain from chin ups could be caused by not allowing the elbows to fully extend at the bottom position. Thus, hanging for time will hopefully lead to Davis' Law doing its work on my tendons, allowing chin ups to feel more and more comfortable; as well as providing a stretch for the lats

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