I've been following Geoff Neupert fitness programs for a couple of years now which practically makes me a disciple of his fitness teachings, so when this popped up on Youtube, I was interested in his instructions for testing your repetition max with a particular kettlebell weight. When I tested my 20kg clean+press rep max, I simply grabbed the 20kg KB and tried to do as many reps of clean+press as I could. I didn't do any of the 3 methods described in the video.
I'm not sure I understand the 5,4,3,2,1 countdown method. I guess I would need 5 different weights. The KBs that I have that are lighter than 20kg are 8kg, 12kg, and 16kg KBs. So I guess I can't use this method
The modified Delorme method looks easiest to understand. The instructions are to do 3 sets as follows: Set 1 = 50% of old 10RM, Set 2 = 75% of old 10RM, Set 3 = 10RM for max reps OR new weight attempt for new 10RM. So in my case: Set 1 = 5 reps with the 16kg, Set 2 = 7-8 reps with the 16kg, Set 3 = Attempt as many reps as possible with the 20kg.
This is the 3rd method as copied from the video: Use some lighter than your old 10RM KBs and do 3-5 warm up sets, going progressively heavier and by feel on the reps. Make them crisp and make sure they feel LIGHT. Then use your new 10RM load and do 1-2 sets of LOW reps - like 1-3 to get used to the load. Then rest about 3 minutes and go for your 10RM.
When its time to test my 20kg clean+press rep max, I'll probably used the 2nd method above. I can't do the first because I don't have 4 weights lighter than the 20kg. The 3rd just looks overly complicated.
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