Thursday, January 09, 2025

Readiness for Snatch and Double Front Squat with heavier Kettlebells

I'mn about to start a minimum 6-week block of isometric strength training on the IsoMax. After that I'm planning to do a Maximorum Master kettlebell training block

I tested my Clean and Press repetition max with single 20kg KB. My rep max here turned out to be 3. I'm confident my rep max will improve to at least 5 by the end of the IsoMax block.

After testing my C+P rep max, I tested my snatch rep max with a 16kg KB and was able to do 10 reps with each arm. Maximorum Master recommends a 10-rep max weight for the snatch sessions. I'd been thinking of testing my snatch rep max with the 20kg on some date closer to the start of the Maximorum Master block, simply by attempting to snatch the 20kg and count how many times I can do that. But then I saw Geoff Neupert's video. Here he recommends a more thorough assessment of readiness for snatch with a heavier KB:

The prequisites for KB snatch at a particular weight are being able to do the following movements with that weight:
  • 1-arm swing - 10 sets x 10 reps
  • Turkish get up - 10 sets x 1 rep in 15 minutes or less
  • Single KB C+P - 10 sets x 5 reps
I'm already able to do 16kg KB snatch for 10 reps. I'm confident I can still pass the 1st and 3rd prerequisites. I just finished Easy Muscle A with double 16kg KBs so I know I can pass the 3rd prequisite. I'm not sure about the 2nd. In any case, even though I can already snatch a 16kg KB for 10 reps, I've started practicing the TGU again with an 8kg and will eventually work back up to 16kg TGU. The TGU benefits are explained in another video and they all apply to the snatch.

The video also has guidelines for progressing to front squat with heavier KBs. I know I can do goblet squat with single 24kg KB, having done it a lot under Easy Muscle B last year, so I can skip the goblet squat step with the 20kg. Anyway, this is the progression towards double KB front squat:
  1. Goblet squat - 5 sets x 10 reps
  2. Single KB front squat - 5 sets x 10 reps
I'm thinking of starting my single KB front squat training with 5 sets of 5 reps with a 20kg KB. Each week, I'll add a rep to each set. So in about 6 weeks I will have progressed to 5x10 reps. Then I can progress to double 20kg front squats, and thus be in good shape for testing double 20kg C+P since the double front squat training should shore up any lower body defiences in the double KB C+P

I do plan to test my C+P rep max with double 20kg KBs before starting Maximorum Master. I think the rep max will be at least 5. But in the unlikely event the rep max turns out to be 10, I'll reconsider choice of weights for this program.

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