Monday, January 13, 2025

Low back pain after snow shoveling

I was on vacation for the winter holidays, mostly just relaxing and not doing any serious fitness training. I returned home to find snow covering the sidewalk and driveway in front of my house. Thus my first workout of 2025 was shoveling snow.

The next day I had a dental appointment. I didn't notice any issue with my low back until it was time to get up from the chair that I was sitting and lying on for the dentaal cleaning and examination. At that very moment, the low back felt like even the slightest flex of the spine would cause pain. Getting up from the chair felt and looked awkward because I was going out of my way to not allow spinal flexion as I stood up. The low back gradually felt better as the day progressed.

The next day after that saw more snowfall, and thus more snow to shovel. My neighbor and I worked together to clear ice and snow from the previous snowstorm on the street, to make it easier to park in front of our houses. I made the classic mistake of shoveling blocks of ice that were too heavy to be safe for my low back. I eventually started picking up or even deadlifting the ice blocks but I think the damage to the low back was already done. I didn't feel much pain during the shoveling session itself. The low back soreness came the following day.

Today was supposed to be the start of my modified IsoMax 6x6 program. I did the Supine position exercises from P3 Protocol to warm up, then began IsoMax training. Zercher Lunge was more uncomfortable than normal due to the sore lower back, so I quickly gave up on it. Overhead Press was ok until I applied more force, then the low back started to feel irritated. Drag Curl was more forgiving but there was still risk of low back irritation. I finished with the remaining positions from my current level in P3 Protocol.

Thus, I don't feel comfortable working IsoMax 6x6 this week. How did this happen to my low back? I think it was the combination of not exercising during the couple of weeks I was on vacation; and the load imposed on the low back by lifting snow and ice with a shovel.d

Until my low back feels better, my fitness sessions will be from Geoff Neupert's Sore Joint Solution, which is his flagship program implementing P3 Protocol. Practcing P3 Protocol should restore the motor control for protecting my low back and preventing other injuries caused by movement compensations. The Side Lying exercises are particularly beneficial for low back rehab. The Dead Bug exercise should improve reflexive core stability for protecting the back.

After the low back starts feeling good again, I could try my IsoMax 6x6 program. Another option is to take up kettlebell training again, with emphasis on preparing for Maximorum Master training. If I take up this second option, I'll probably program my KB workout as 2 15-minute sessions with a 5-min. rest period between. The first session would be practicing single 20kg KB clean and press. The 2nd session would be squatting practice, starting with single 20kg front squat and progressing to double 20kg front squat. One goal would be to increase my single 20kg C+P rep max from the previously tested 3 reps to at least 5 reps, then achieving 5 reps of double 20kg C+P. By training with these 2 sessions per workout, I should be able to progress in my C+P and my squatting at the same time. Once I achieve double 20kg front squat, I should be ready to start working towards a 5-rep max in the double 20kg C+P

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