Sunday, July 19, 2015

Parallettes One, Level B, Phase 1: Week 7 Report

I've been slacking off in posting updates on my progress in this program because it's been slow.  It's not the fault of the program nor its designers at GMB, though.  I never had great pressing strength or core strength to begin with.

Progress on Workout 1 Exercises

Plank Push-Ups - 4 reps

Plank Jump to Dip - Improved to about 10 reps/set.

Battle Rams - I am now doing version 2 of this exercise, in which every rep ends with a pushup.  I got to 12 reps in Version 1 and was doing them easily.

Tuck Hold - I'm more in the 5-7 sec. range now.  Still need to improve stability.

Mt. Climber Holds -  Slight improvement into the 9-10 rep range.

Progress on Workout 2 Exercises

Tuck Swing to Top Plank - I haven't been keeping track of the reps - just paying more more attention to the quality of movement, which is quite subjective.  What I'm looking for is a tight tuck on one end of the swing, and a smoothly controlled transition to top plank position.  This all takes core strength and some shoulder strength.  

One Leg Shoulder Stand Hold - 5-7 sec. hold range per leg.

Tuck Swings - As with Tuck Swing to Top Plank, I'm looking for improved control rather than raw reps.  I can do 12 reps, but they're not always in good form.  It's coming along gradually.

Assisted Inverted Presses - Improved to 6 reps.

Dive Bombers Standard - Improved to 9 reps.

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