Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Giant 1.1: Week 3

My conditioning seems to be improving. Compared to last week, I did at least one more set per session, because I needed just a little less time to rest between sets.

My warmup was the supine and side lying positions from P3 protocol (Sore Joint Solution). For cooldown, I lay in an easier variation of supine from P3 and practiced diaphragmatic breathing - typically 15-20 breaths, until I felt my heartrate slow down to closer to normal speed. Then I practiced the Phase 2 exercises from P3 protocol.

I assumed I'd have to wait for another year or so before I could advance to Phase 2, but then I reread the Sore Joint Solution manual and found these sentences:

Some people really struggle with side lying, but supine and prone are relatively easy. In that case, move up to Phase 2, but start each session with side lying until you hit the target reps.

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