My particular shoulder injury did not allow me to do the Kettlebell Halo without pain. Mark Wildman pointed out that the KB Halo is similar to a Heavy Club Shield Cast. So I tried a Shield Cast, and sure enough I had the same problem.
So I tried the Single Arm Pullover with my 15lb club and my shoulder felt fine. So I've been doing this move for a few week snow. I have to say I really love Wildman's explanation of why he wants you to count your reps aloud in a confident voice. One of his reasons is saying stuff aloud helps you learn faster. Another reason, which really moved me, is some deconditioned/overweight individuals have a meek voice because of how they have been treated in life (bullying), so counting the reps aloud helps those individuals with their confidence.
Today I was finally able to do a Shield Cast without pain. I then tried the KB Halo and that too felt painless. Now I can do KB Halos as part of my warmup for KB training, and thus facilitate my shoulder recovery even more. Very satifying signs of progress in my shoulder recovery.
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