Friday, November 30, 2018

GMB's 12 Days of Play Promo series

GMB started a promo campaign promoting their exercise programs.  The concept is they introduce a new movement every day for 12 days.  See the individual video descriptions for info about the contest which is part of the promo, the prizes, etc.  The moves are fun to play with if you're reasonably healthy (no serious injuries). 

In case you, dear reader, are wondering, I don't get any money if somebody decides to buy a GMB product because of what they read on my blog.

Here are the movement videos - will try to update as new videos get posted, as they're difficult to find by normal Youtube search:

Day 1 - Bear

I've seen all three variations in the Elements program, but it's nice to see a different person demonstrating the moves.

Day 2 - Jump

2nd variation I think is in Floor One, but I don't own that program.  3rd variation is in Integral Strength.

Day 3 - Monkey

1st variation is the basic version in Elements, but the 2nd and 3rd look new to me.  2nd variation is dragging the toes, almost floating them.  3rd variation adds a pause with toes floating.

Day 4 - Cartwheel

I'd seen a GMB tutorial that introduced the Cartwheel as a variation on Monkey but this is not the approach taken here.  Very clear progression of starting by approaching the "line" (formed by your hands) from an angle, and gradually tightening the approach angle to where your body does the whole movement on the line.

Day 5 - Hollow Body Series

Looks mostly the same as the Hollow Body series taught in Integral Strength, except the face-down variation; presumably to stay with the idea of teaching 3 variations per movement.

Day 6 - Forward Shoulder Roll

This is not the same front roll taught in Aikido and Judo dojo, but then again just about every "system" has its own front roll.  I like how this version of the front roll is broken down here. I don't know of anyone else who teaches the front roll like this - in which one gets into a particular position and just hangs out there, and gradually and slowly works towards the roll.

Day 7 - Bent-Arm Monkey

The first two variations are pretty much the same as taught in Elements.  The 3rd variation is actually the Crow Pose, except just a 1-second hold is ok.  You get the idea that practicing the Bent-Arm Monkey will aid greatly in the quest to achieve a Crow Pose.

Day 8 - Frogger

The variations are a bit different than what is taught in Elements.  First is dragging the toes across the floor.  Second is pulling the feet forward, just above the floor (no toe drag) - basically the "standard" Frogger.  Third is the standard Frogger with a "stall" - doing the movement slowly enough to give the feet more time to float in the air.  Finally a bonus advanced variation is shown, which is to do the third variation, but then pause with the feet still in the air, toes pointed back.

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