Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Tonight's Sunrizer sequencing experiment

Tried sequencing Sunrizer from Cubasis. No pure piano-roll entry apparently - have to enter the notes from the keyboard, then edit the notes in piano roll. Anyway in Sunrizer, I selected the gamelan tuning, then entered notes in Cubasis. A few notes from the Cubasis keyboard triggered notes in Sunrizer, and others did not. There might be a bug in the Scala keyboard mapping in Sunrizer, but need test with other MIDI controllers to be sure. I was also unable to save the Scala tuning with the patch. Then I tried sequencing Sunrizer from Symphonix Evolution Pro but had less success. The first note triggered a stuck note in Sunrizer that did not stop until I killed it as a background app. I'll try contacting the respective developers. This as all left me with a greater appreciation for the ease of use of sequencing in Gadget.  Experiment result: Failure. No way I'm going to make the Sunrizer contest deadline. Good luck to the contestants!
Also, at some point in the near future I want to try exporting MIDI from Korg M01D on my Nintendo 3DS. It'll be interesting to see which IOS sequencing app will be able to successfully import it.

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