The article Selective Tension Breathing Technique
, by Scott Sonnon, explains how one applies Selective Tension in conjunction with Performance Breathing while practicing exercises from Scott's Circular Strength Training (CST) system.
A key quality of CST as opposed to other exercise methodologies is Performance Breathing and how it works along with the movements. One learns how to be breathed by the movement instead of forcing the breath and generating unnecessary tension - this really comes into play during sports performance, martial arts, and other movements outside of the gym. Selective Tension is how one is able to perform movements that require effort without locking up the entire body with full-body tension, which is rarely needed in life aside from a max effort barbell lift or holding a strenous posture on the gymnastic rings.
Note the article was published in 2004. Since that time, Trinity Breathing exercises have been included in a more recent RMAX product entitled Intu-Flow. I highly recommend Intu-Flow as the starter program for CST.
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